Monday, July 23, 2012

positivly positive

A friend asked me a question,.

How can you stay so positive?

my initial response,

because I have to.

I think I have learned to cope in the best way possible.I am not saying I don't get sad or depressed here and there but its important to accept that it will get  you down, its how you pick yourself up and carry through that counts. 

Grandma said the best thing today and i think this is how to best describe me and faith" I dont wear my religion on my sleeve i keep it in my heart." I found my faith and spirituality and its part of how i manage to be so strong when its so hard. I truelly believe that it is Gods will and I need to trust in him. I feel how ever hard it gets that  I will be carried through the roughest of times. Most importantly I believe that I have had this obsticle because  I can help people through my art and my experience.Helping others selflessly makes it worth it. someone said once "Be who God meant you to be and you'll set the world on fire", and I do believe that.

Now not everyone has strong faith or even has concrete beliefs and that's fine. Family is the second thing that makes me smile everyday. When I feel down and I sit and think about it all I remember that even though its happening to me it happening to them too, and they accept me for who I am. We laugh through things whenever possible. When I got my little concussion last week and ran into the glass door, I was the first person to laugh. and so did my family who witnessed it. they made sure I was ok  and we giggled about it some more. They are my guides and my eyes to the world.  they do not feel im a burden even if I think I am.They keep me positive and are willing to fight even when i don't think I can, they support my artwork and everything I do and I know when the world gets a little darker for me they will always try to brighten it up.

I had a friend give me a book a long time agao called" dont sweat the mall stuff". It talked about how little things in the long run dont matter . I read through it and adopted a philosophy that it is perfectly ok to cry about something that upsets, scares, or hurts you, but only for that moment. YOU cant let those fears overtake your life you can only cry about it to relieve that stress and then let it go. I spent too many years after high school crying over what was to come, and not enjoying the vision I HAD. Days go by quickly, don't waste them worrying about the future or you will lose the past.

I think that brings me to the best advice I could give her, talk about it and cry only when you need to.Accept that your afraid but don't let it overrun you. every once in a while when accepting harsh disabilities or things like it in life we get  too bottled up. We are kind of like a tea pot, we heat up slowly with emotion when we don't face them and at some point you have to let it out and scream! Its healthy to let it out once and awhile. It can get frustrating especially with anything happening to you that is degenerative. let out your frustration find some way to do it and then move on.youll feel better when you do and will have a clear head to find a way to better handle  everything. If you find someone to talk to whenever you really need it you can keep it form happening. find a friend with a simalar issue or someone who has given you the support you need and bend their ear. relieve it as it happens instead of exploding whenever possible.

No one can completely predict the future  , we know what the doctors say will happen. What they can't control is hope. Keep hope you will find a way, keep hope maybe that they will find a remedy or a cure, keep hope that you will be okay. 
No one is perfect and strong , 
we all go through it diffrently 
but we can get through it, 
and do it with a smile.

And I always remember , I'm not alone.

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