Monday, July 16, 2012

Its not about painting what the world see , its about painting how you see the world.

How DO I see the world? I've thought about it today after i wrote this. 

I think when you have anything wrong with you whether it be vision loss, sickness, or just obstacles you have a choice. The choice is whether to put on the dark glasses and only see the dark and sad things going on around you, or to put on the rose colored glasses and let the world brighten up.

I choose to put on the rose colored glasses a long time ago. To go with what was happening, to laugh with my self and let others know it was o.k..

I took the same path with my art going to paint what i saw instead of trying to replicate things i couldn't. I saw so many artists either trying to reproduce nature exactly on canvas or trying too hard to abstract it.I didn't want to do either I wanted to paint how i saw the world. So I put on my rose colored glasses and away I went. 

Looking back however i think I made a mistake.

I abandoned color because I was losing my color vision. So I started painting the light and shadow series double negative. And although I will never stop I have come to think about how I do still see color. 

The colors I see still are the brightest most vibrant colors. Easily distinguishable. And so what if i think something is a different color then it is,.. maybe i should paint it that way. I should try bright and vibrant and if it isn't maybe i should show the muted blur that I see as well. 

We shouldn't pick and choose what we see through whatever shades we choose to put on in life. Even if your horizons are blurring and fading it doesn't mean you cant broaden them a little. :)


  1. Well said....I need the rose colored glasses.

    1. sometimes its hard to see things that way, but once you find all the things that make your world so rosey youll not be able to see much else

  2. I would love to look at your work the way you see it. It is true in any artistic creation that the most interesting work reflects the unique perspective of the artist. I watched a documentary once about a guy that spent years drawing an exact replica of a Marilyn Monroe photograph. It was amazing detail wise...but in the end just a copy of a was thought provoking in the aspect of what gives art value.

    1. that sounds amazing, to replicate something exactly the way you see it in precise detail. i admire that since i definatly can not. for me i do opaint how i see but its definatly in my own artistic way. art is anything that provokes a feeling, and if i can reach out and connect a feeling to my art the i feel i have achieved its purpose :)
