Monday, March 5, 2012

the ballerina and i

 The Ballerina and I (prologue to the painting "L'ombre ballerinas" )

As i sit and watch  the lights wash out the room to mute it to a crisp golden haze. Everything looks absolutely  wonderful.  Those lights now dim and everything goes into a light golden grey fog .

Somewhere in the center of the stage a blue maybe grey light appears where i guess the black stage isto be, but then the dancer appears.  Emerging on it appearing as if she is floating on nothing at all, almost angelic.

The colors of the stage lights dance around the lone figure .They run together playfully like the dancer does . i catch some rare glances of red, perhaps blue and green?The lights are so bright its hard to tell they wash out the ballerina at times but it doesn't take away from the dance.

She is moving so gracefully,i wish i knew how her arms were making those movements it all seems so fluid and quick as she glides around the stage. All at once from no were it seems she leaps through the muted color fog and back onto her invisible floor.

 Everyone around me is sitting perfectly still so engaged watching this delicate  black shadow dancer. I flip to the Program i have in the dark and go to the pictures of the cast,...
ah yes in order of appearance. I get out a magnifier and look at her picture now i can see her her as she dances!

At times I struggle to follow her as she moves so i just fix my eyes and just watch the movement out of my peripheral. sometimes i just listen to the music.The experience of her performance is just as touching.

I look up to follow the dance and the music is faster and she is now twirling at a  hurried pace. colors flash! my eyes flash to, as my eyes take a moment to acclimate and readjust i hear the crowd start to clap. And i do too. What an Amazing performance!

Soon she begins dancing again and more lights come up. A 6 more ballerinas appear from the side of the stage already leaping and dancing,,...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

in the beginning,..

protector of the eisel!

lil sock buddys ready to get going!

oh yes amazon your deliveries make me smile!

big wall for a big painting

my silly attempt at taping lol at least i tried
Getting everything together, things falling into place I've loved everything from  to  washing the wall, to  reorganizing the room ,to starting vellum sketches, to waiting for ups. i thought id share some photos this blog that made me smile    

i think this is perfect , i though about how when i have to get close to this canvas i cant hunch over it i can just stand close . i looked into some of the magnifiers on the ls&s site I've always wanted and not bought yet.  they were things i had always needed but i always had this bad habit of  if i needed it id make an excuse that someone else needed some thing more. and yes i put visual aid at the bottom as horrible as it sounds. well I'm not doing that anymore my wonderful husband is putting a stop to that so I'm going to make sure i have proper  aids for this project.

on an added note I'm hoping to  tell the story of me and my journey to me and my guide dog as i have started the ball rolling with the paperwork for the guide dog process. there is a lot involved and much going on so time will see when that will happen but what a huge step for me :)