Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My guide dog is a dachshund

so this morning as usual i did my morning routine,..
got my daughter ready for school and out to the bus, let our fluffy Maine Coon kitty Seven out on the porch so she could chase snowflakes,

 and then took out our Lil doxie puppy Riley.

Riley is almost 2 years old but the newest addition to our family we adopted him from a bad situation this past summer. He is an adorable black and brown medium haired 6 inch tall doxie boy.

I have been struggling for many years now on whether its time for me to get a guide dog, and well frankly i know it has been, but with all the support i have gotten from family and friends and my sheer stubbornness Ive put it off for as long as i could. I know that going out at night or in the bright sun is horrible for me, i admiringly walk around in a blur.Over this past year even i have come to accept that i cant go out by my self either, and i know a guide would help me be self relient again, maybe i can blame my stubborn nature on my irish heritage.

Well this morning i took out the doxie while my significant other slept in a bit and immediately had a rough time. even with my sunglasses on it was so white from the impending snow storm. The brightness and the multi levels of uneven ground being covered by a bright blinding blanket was going to be a challenge. Having no depth perception this made me nervous.

Then i looked down at Riley, there he was tail wagging ready to run through snow he knew was taller then him. He wasn't apprehensive at all, I could learn  alot from my little guy. "OK Riley show me wheres your potty", then off he went running through the snow dragging me around obstacles that i couldn't see but he could. Huge clusters of snow or drops in elevation that were big to him and would be bad for me he moved me right around.Somehow he even found the best way up a hill so i wouldn't fall!

I realized that even though i don't have an actual guide dog yet that he and I had learned how to navigate together and follow simple commands.He may not stop so well at a curb but when he heard the car coming down the drive he stopped for me.After he had his fun and went potty it was time for home"Riley show me home!" and off he went ! Ears flapping in the wind maneuvering around the obstacles with speed and agility to get me back home.

He may not be guide dog material to some, and really not all that i need but he is a wonderful guide to me and if i admit it or not maybe he is training me to BE guided.

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