Tuesday, November 29, 2011

sometimes the wrong path leads you back to where you belong

when life happens sometimes its what we really need

going through the wedding, then the honeymoon, then back to work. i had picked up a job to help with the extra wedding expenses but then i realized something,.. not only was i working , sleeping and that was it, but that my art was taking the proverbial back burner.  i had done so much to get to the point i felt i was achieving some goals and really becoming more accepting of my own art/blindness then i let working take over.

it was slow at first and ideas were still flowing but then the ideas started to pile up behind the block of limited time.

then i was sketching made only a few paintings and lost track  of my gallery shows.

it was then i realized i was falling into the rut  and would be like so many who gave up their dream to just endlessly work soulless hours and never look back.

i truly feel perfect sight or not, whatever your dream is if you let the stress of that life get a hold of you you truly loss who you really are and you have to work even harder to get it back.

so on my honeymoon i talked to a gallery/ center for children with visual impairments and blindness. as i walked through the small touchable gallery with my husband and looked at the tiny little white canes hanging in front of the preschool room doors i realized i couldn't stop. i talked with them about bringing some work in to the kids and felt that amazing feeling again. its not about being a millionaire or the worlds most famous artist. its really about giving hope to children growing up with my issue of blindness, its about sharing what i do with sighted people and how i see through my art.

its not really about me at all :)